Impressions of the WHAT 2022

Dr. Gerold Holtkamp, September 7, 2022

Over the Westhavelland Star Park you can find obne of the darkest skies in Germany. This reputation was confirmed again this year at the 11th Westhavelländer Astrotreff (26th to 30th August 2022). At this meeting, astronomers from all over Germany come together to observe and exchange ideas together. Here I present my "yield". Thanks to the dark and cloudless sky in Gülpe, where you camp on an old sports field, I was able to photograph several objects.

M33 – Triangle Galaxy


Bubble Nebula and M52

Dumbell Nebula M27

Uranus with moons

Technical data: Mount: Skywatcher AZ-EQ6. Telescope Skywatcher APO 80/600. Camera QHY268M, filter wheel QHY CFW3-M with Antlia 36mm LRGB PRO filter. Camera Gain60 Offset20, cooled to -15°C. 60 X 5s + 30 x 2s luminance. 10 x 5s + 10 x 2s red. 10 x 5s + 10 x 2s green. 10 x 5s + 10 x 2s blue. all together 9min 30s exposure time. Editing: Astroart
