The unbelievable distances and the view into the cosmological past up to the early days of the universe let us experience again and again how small and "comprehensible" our home solar system is. But our solar system with the sun, the eight planets, various dwarf planets, asteroids, moons and comets also holds mysterious, cryptic and extremely interesting things. Here we want to share our reports on objects in the solar system with you.
- The Comet C2023 A3 / Tsuchinshan-ATLASComets have always stirred people's minds and led to amazement, ecstasy or fear. We take a closer look!
- All good things come in threesThe sun has reached its maximum in its eleven-year activity cycle. For the third time this year, northern lights could be observed from Central Europe. A short excursion into the personal experiences of some kosmos-os friends at the Northern Lights on October 10, 2024 is presented.
- Play of colours over IcelandA travelogue about the excursion to the Northern lights in Iceland in September/October 2024
- The PerseidsThe Perseids are probably the most well-known recurring meteor shower. It triggers the shooting stars that can be observed well in August. The name "Perseids" derives from the direction the shooting stars seem to come from, the so-called radiant in the constellation Perseus..
- On The Moon Again 2024The moon. Everybody knows it. Everyone has seen it in the sky. It has been sung about countless times in poems and songs. Its influence on the earth is great. No wonder, after all, it is our closest cosmic neighbor. So why not take a close look at the Moon, not only with the naked eye, but also with an optical device?
- Northern lights above EuropeIt was a special night from May 10th to 11th, 2024. Northern lights could be seen all over Europe. We didn't miss the impressive spectacle. In the article, the seven observers from kosmos-os are linked via a map showing their locations. Everyone reports his recordings and some videos on his own page. A short text reflects his own special experience.
- "Sternstunde" with PlanetsA "Sternstunde" is described, which is regularly offered by kosmos-os.de as so-called sidewalk astronomy. Although Osnabrück is heavily lightpolluted interesting observations of the sky were made.
- Occultation of Venus by the Moon on November 09, 2023Not being able to observe an interesting astronomical event due to bad weather is part of an astronomer's fate. But that doesn't mean you can't still take a closer look. That is exactly what this report does.
- Observation of the sun at the event "Offenes Gartentor"On selected dates throughout the year, private gardens in Osnabrück and the surrounding area open their gates to give visitors a glimpse into their private green paradises. Such an "open garden gate" is also a good opportunity to present the most important factor for greenery and bloom – our sun!
- Komet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)A comet is a fleeting visitor. This also applies to comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). On December 31, 2023 it was in the northern sky over Osnabrück and on February 13, 2023 it was already in the south. The following photos were taken from a garden in Osnabrück.
- A little moon walkA video of 1000 pictures was taken of the waxing moon (moon age about 10.5 days) which was also favorable in the sky. From this, a high-resolution image was created, on which many details of the lunar surface are recognizable. These different geological structures are presented and explained.
- The impressive comet C/2020 F3 NeowiseA bright comet doesn't appear in the sky very often. We may have to wait another decade or more. Comet Neowise was an impressive sight in the sky! Why was a comet in earlier times a sign of coming disaster when it is actually just beautiful?