
Here we would like to present the reports of our astronomically oriented journeys.

  • Hands-on science
    A travelogue about the excursion of kosmos-os to the ZARM Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity and to the Universum Bremen on April 13, .2024
  • The northern light dances in the Arctic Circle
    The report describes what has to be taken into account for successful sightings of the northern lights. In addition, factors that cannot be influenced, such as the weather and the space weather, are also mentioned. Recordings and videos of the northern lights are shown. In addition, numerous sources are listed for more detailed information.
  • Guest at the Herzberg Telescope Meeting, HTT 2023
    The weekend promised good astro weather and so I packed my pile of astro stuff and drove spontaneously from Osnabrück to Jeßnigk in southern Brandenburg. It was to be my first visit to the Herzberg Telescope Meeting (HTT).
  • WHAT –The "Westhavelländer Astro Treffen" 2023
    Anyone who thinks astronomy takes place outside in the cold night does not know Gülpe in the Westhavelland. Every year, the WHAT – Westhavelländer Astro Treffen takes place there. Gülpe is located in one of the darkest areas of Germany.
  • Impressions of the WHAT 2022
    Over the Westhavelland Star Park you can find obne of the darkest skies in Germany. This reputation was confirmed again this year at the 11th Westhavelländer Astrotreff (26th to 30th August 2022). At this meeting, astronomers from all over Germany come together to observe and exchange ideas together. Our own impressions at this meeting are presented here.
  • Objects of the southern sky
    In Namibia, far away from civilization and thus all artificial lights, there is the Astro-Farm Rooisand. Here, from May 26th to June 1st 2022 many photos of objects of the southern sky were taken. A selection is presented.
  • Aurora over Iceland
    A trip to Iceland from March 23rd - 31st, 2022 is reported. The island is almost on the Arctic Circle and is therefore very suitable for observing the northern lights. However, many factors have to be favorable to be successful. The weather and therefore the cloud density are important factors. Of course, there is also the fact that enough solar wind must arrive on Earth to produce the luminous phenomena.
  • Green sea at the Arctic Circle    
    At night all cats are grey. But that doesn't apply near the Arctic Circle, when bright northern lights bathe everything in a green glow. You can see this with your own eyes.
