Category: Solar system

  • Polarlicht über Offelten

    Aurora above Offelten

    At first I was quite disappointed by all the auroras, because it was very bright in the north and you could only see a few red auroras without structures. In addition, there was a thin layer of altostratus clouds.

  • Polarlichter über Buxton im Peak District, England

    Aurora above Buxton, Peak District, UK

    On the evening of May 10th, we were standing with the camper at the campsite near Buxton in the Peak District in England. Since it was reasonably clear I looked up at nightfall to do some astrophotography with the Seestar.

  • Polarlicht über Achmer

    Northern lights obove Achmer

    Since I have been dealing with the topic of astronomy, there have been promising forecasts for the northern lights over Germany from time to time. So far, however, I have never had any success with it in this country, neither visually nor photographically. Until now.

  • Polarlicht über dem Osnabrücker Land

    Northern lights obove the Osnabrück region

    In den vergangenen Jahren hatte ich bei meinen Reisen zum Polarkreis schon einige Polarlichter erlebt*. Als allerdings am 9. Mai die ersten Warnmeldungen der NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) bei mir per Mail eintrafen und einen Kp-Wert von 8 für den 11. und 12. Mai ankündigten, wusste ich, dass etwas Besonderes bevorstand. Polarlichter über…

  • Sternstunde mit Wandelsternen

    "Sternstunde" with Planets

    A "Sternstunde" is described, which is regularly offered by as so-called sidewalk astronomy. Although Osnabrück is heavily lightpolluted interesting observations of the sky were made.

  • Venusbedeckung am 09.11.2023

    Occultation of Venus by the Moon on November 09, 2023

    Not being able to observe an interesting astronomical event due to bad weather is part of an astronomer's fate. But that doesn't mean you can't still take a closer look. That is exactly what this report does.

  • Am Polarkreis tanzt das Nordlicht

    The northern light dances in the Arctic Circle

    The report describes what has to be taken into account for successful sightings of the northern lights. In addition, factors that cannot be influenced, such as the weather and the space weather, are also mentioned. Recordings and videos of the northern lights are shown. In addition, numerous sources are listed for more detailed information.

  • Sonnenbeobachtung beim „Offenen Gartentor“

    Observation of the sun at the event "Offenes Gartentor"

    On selected dates throughout the year, private gardens in Osnabrück and the surrounding area open their gates to give visitors a glimpse into their private green paradises. Such an "open garden gate" is also a good opportunity to present the most important factor for greenery and bloom – our sun!

  • Komet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

    Komet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

    A comet is a fleeting visitor. This also applies to comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). On December 31, 2023 it was in the northern sky over Osnabrück and on February 13, 2023 it was already in the south. The following photos were taken from a garden in Osnabrück.

  • Polarlicht über Island

    Aurora over Iceland

    Es wird über eine Reise vom 23. – 31. März 2022 nach Island berichtet. Die Insel liegt fast am Polarkreis und eignet sich deswegen sehr gut für die Beobachtung von Polarlichtern. Es müssen allerdings viele Faktoren günstig sein, damit man Erfolg hat. Das Wetter und damit die Wolkendichte sind wesentliche Faktoren. Es kommt natürlich hinzu,…
