Thomas Grunge, 18.2.2021
It was a cold, clear night on February 13, 2021 in Dissen. Thomas Grunge did not take a picture in his garden, but a light curve of the exoplanet HAT-P-54b. This planet does not orbit around our sun, but around the star HAT-P-54, whose light has been on its way to us for 443 years. This planet cannot be seen directly, but can only be detected when it passes in front of the star and slightly obscures the light of the star. Details on the method can be found in the report Detecting exoplanets with my own equipment.

Technical data:
HAT-P-54b Exoplanet
Mount: Losmandy G11
Optic: 7“Maksutov F/6.3
CCD: SBIG ST10xme -30° 1x1bin
Images: 38 shoots a. 300 s
Filter: ProPlanet742 Astronomik
Processing: Muniwin 2.1.30
Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD):