Dr. Gerold Holtkamp, June 18, 2022
In Namibia, far away from civilization and thus all artificial lights, there is the Astro-Farm Rooisand . Here, from May 26 to June 1, 2022, I was able to take many shots of objects in the southern sky. A selection is presented.
Star trails above the Astro Farm
The setting constellation Orion "upside down" above the horizon (The sky actually looked like this every night.)
The Southern Cross and Alpha Centauri, the closest star to our sun
Omega Centauri The largest and brightest known star clusters Specifications: APO105/550-Canon_6D-ISO1600-180x15s Bearbeitung: Olaf Homeier
The Lagoon Nebula M8 Ein Emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Sagittarius. It is about 5200 light years away from the Sun. Specifications: APO 450mm-500DA-IS1600-155x30s
Cat’s Paw Nebula, NGC 6334 An emission nebula in the constellation Scorpio, about 5500 light years away from us, with a diameter of about 50 light years Specifications: APO105/550-Canon_500DA-ISO800-37x300s
NGC 6188 An emission nebula and reflection nebula in the constellation Altar, about 4000 light years away from us with a diameter of about 600 light years Specifications: APO105/550-Canon_500DA-ISO800-20x300s
The Helix Nebula – NGC 7293 It is a planetary nebula in the constellation Aquarius. It is about 650 light years away from us. Specifications: 500DA-ISO800-43x300s
Centaurus A – NGC 5128 It is a galaxy in the constellation Centaurus. Distance about 10 to 17 million light years. NGC 5128 has an active nucleus and is a powerful radio source. Specifications: APO105_550-6D_ISO1600_100x120s
Eta Carinae Nebula – NGC 3372 This emission nebula is located in the constellation Carina. It is one of the largest HII regions in the galaxy. It is about 7,700 to 9,600 light years away. Specifications: APO105_550_500DA-ISO800-38x90s
Zodiacal light over Rooisand Milky Way and zodiacal light form a V. No city disturbs with its light! Specifications: 70mm-Canon_6D-ISO1600-F/4-1×0,2s
The Big and Small Maggellan Clouds over Rooisand Specifications: 50mm-Canon_6D-ISO3200-F/2.2-1x30s
Moonset over Rooisand Specifications: 70mm-Canon_6D-ISO1600-F/4-1×0,2s