Tag: Astronomie
Measurement of the Transit Lightcurve of Exoplanet TrES-3 b
The transit light curve of the exoplanet TrES-3 b was recorded and measured on May 27th and 28th 2023. The method used and the specific observation conditions are explained. The results are presented and discussed based on an evaluation in the international Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD). The own result is a contribution in the context of so-called citizen science for further exploration of exoplanets.
Inside and outside our Milky Way
Color images with the mono camera QHY268M are shown. For this purpose, Fab filters are also used. The particular challenge was that one object stood above the bright city center of Osnabrück and the other object was very disturbed by the moon with 70% illuminated area.
Komet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
A comet is a fleeting visitor. This also applies to comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). On December 31, 2023 it was in the northern sky over Osnabrück and on February 13, 2023 it was already in the south. The following photos were taken from a garden in Osnabrück.
"Just" discovered - Exoplanet TOI-1259 A b
The transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-1259 A b, discovered just two years ago, was measured. The data determined agree well with literature values. It is a double star system, which is additionally interesting. The close position at the north celestial pole allows interesting further observations.
"boundless vastness" @ Home
In the constellation Draco you can find exoplanets that are particularly bright. They can therefore be easily photometrically analyzed with small apertures. The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet Qatar-10b is described. It was discovered in 2019 and confirmed as such.
The star HD189733 and its planet HD189733b
Using the star HD189733 and its exoplanet 189733b, it is shown that even with a relatively small instrument from an urban light-polluted area, interesting meaningful measurements of stellar rotation and planetary transit in front of its parent star can be carried out. In addition, the synopsis of the results of many amateur astronomers worldwide enables further insights.
Impressions of the WHAT 2022
Über dem Sternenpark Westhavelland soll sich einer der dunkelsten Himmel Deutschlands wölben. Diesem Ruf ist er auch in diesem Jahr beim 11. Westhavelländer Astrotreff (26. bis 30.8.2022) gerecht geworden. Bei diesem Treffen kommen Astronomen aus ganz Deutschland zusammen, um gemeinsam zu beobachten und sich auszutauschen. Es werden eigene Aufnahmen vorgestellt, die bei diesem Treffen entstanden…
The way to a telescope column in the garden
It's always nice when you can initiate something. This was also the case on July 30th, 2022, when my astronomical colleagues and I inaugurated my new telescope column together. In the best weather and 3c (coffee, cake, cold drinks) the "ceremonial act" took place. Before that, of course, lays the history of the column, a slightly longer story …
Objects of the southern sky
In Namibia, far away from civilization and thus all artificial lights, there is the Astro-Farm Rooisand. Here, from May 26th to June 1st 2022 many photos of objects of the southern sky were taken. A selection is presented.
Aurora over Iceland
Es wird über eine Reise vom 23. – 31. März 2022 nach Island berichtet. Die Insel liegt fast am Polarkreis und eignet sich deswegen sehr gut für die Beobachtung von Polarlichtern. Es müssen allerdings viele Faktoren günstig sein, damit man Erfolg hat. Das Wetter und damit die Wolkendichte sind wesentliche Faktoren. Es kommt natürlich hinzu,…