Tag: Star formation

  • Die Welt der Dunkelnebel  

    The World of Dark Nebulae  

    The vast majority of astrophotos show luminous objects such as galaxies, stars, luminous nebulae or supernova remnants. This is about dark nebulae, which appear dark with their dust and gas and are all the more difficult to spot, although they are all the more interesting as the origin of the stars. Beverly Lynds, who made an invaluable contribution in this field, is remembered.

  • Kugelsternhaufen – faszinierende, uralte Giganten

    Globular clusters – fascinating and ancient giants

    Globular clusters turn out to be true jewel boxes in the night sky when magnified appropriately in the telescope. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of stars standing together in a spherical structure in one spot – often up to over 30,000 light-years away from us. But what exactly are globular clusters and are they all the same?

  • Die UV-Quelle in den „Bahamas“ und Sternengeburt im „Golf von Mexiko“ – Der Nordamerikanebel NGC 7000

    The UV source in the “Bahamas” and star birth in the “Gulf of Mexico” – The North American Nebula NGC 7000

    On October 25th and 27th, 2024, the author photographed the North American nebula from an urban garden. Its appearance gives the nebula its name. The article is less about its appearance and more about some of the astrophysical properties of the nebula and the objects within it.
