Category: Events
Sternstunden on January 19th, 2024 on the Vosslinke at Osnabrück's Piesberg
The Sternstunden of January 19, 2024 are described. 23 visitors gathered on the Vosslinke on Piesberg to look into space. Moon, Jupiter, Orion and Andromeda Nebula, there was a lot to see.
Cold feet and clammy hands during astrophotography – that was yesterday
There are many garden observatories used by amateur astronomers and almost as many different concepts that are followed in their construction and operation. That's why it's always worth visiting such an observatory.
"Sternstunde" with Planets
A "Sternstunde" is described, which is regularly offered by as so-called sidewalk astronomy. Although Osnabrück is heavily lightpolluted interesting observations of the sky were made.
Observation of the sun at the event "Offenes Gartentor"
On selected dates throughout the year, private gardens in Osnabrück and the surrounding area open their gates to give visitors a glimpse into their private green paradises. Such an "open garden gate" is also a good opportunity to present the most important factor for greenery and bloom – our sun!
On The Moon Again 2023
Seit 2019 erinnern weltweit Astronomen in über 60 Ländern jährlich an die erste Mondlandung im Jahre 1969. Wir sind von Anfang an dabei und unterstützen dieses Projekt. Bei unseren „On The Moon Again“ Events zeigen wir allen Interessierten den Mond und teilen unsere Faszination für Astronomie.