Category: Exoplanets

  • TrES-3b, HAT-P-18b, TOI-2154b und TOI-1251.01

    TrES-3b, HAT-P-18b, TOI-2154b and TOI-1251.01

    The measurements of the transit light curves of the exoplanets TrES-3b, HAT-P-18b, TOI-2154b as confirmed and TOI-1251.01 as unconfirmed exoplanet are described. Each of them has peculiarities that make it worthwhile to take a closer look at them.

  • Messung der Transitlichtkurven der Exoplaneten WASP-84b und KPS-1b am 7. und 8. März 2024

    Measurement of the transit light curves of the exoplanets WASP-84b and KPS-1b on March 7 and 8, 2024

    The measurement of the transit light curves of the exoplanets WASP-84b and KPS-1b is described. The radius of the exoplanets is determined from the degree of “darkening” of the parent stars. The transit method makes this possible, although the two systems can only be observed as point sources of light.

  • Messung der Transitlichtkurve des Exoplaneten TOI 3952.01 am 10.01.2024

    Measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01 on January 10, 2024

    The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01, 1929 light years away, is described. It is a recently discovered exoplanet. The own measured data are compared with the few available literature values.

  • Transitlichtkurve des Exoplaneten TOI-1259 A b am 25./26.9.2023

    Transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-1259 A b on September 25th/26th, 2023

    Der Vorbeizug (Transit) des Exoplaneten TOI-1259 A b vor seinem Mutterstern, der eine Komponente eines Doppelsternsystems ist, wird gezeigt. Die aufgenommene Lichtkurve stimmt gut mit den Messungen anderer Autoren überein. Eine genaue Fehlerbetrachtung gibt Hinweise zur weiteren Verbesserung dieser sensiblem Messmethode.

  • Messung der Transitkurve des Exoplaneten TrES-3 b am 27.5.2023

    Measurement of the Transit Lightcurve of Exoplanet TrES-3 b

    The transit light curve of the exoplanet TrES-3 b was recorded and measured on May 27th and 28th 2023. The method used and the specific observation conditions are explained. The results are presented and discussed based on an evaluation in the international Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD). The own result is a contribution in the context of so-called citizen science for further exploration of exoplanets.

  • „Soeben“ entdeckt – Exoplanet TOI-1259 A b

    "Just" discovered - Exoplanet TOI-1259 A b

    The transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-1259 A b, discovered just two years ago, was measured. The data determined agree well with literature values. It is a double star system, which is additionally interesting. The close position at the north celestial pole allows interesting further observations.

  • „Unendliche Weiten“ @ Home

    "boundless vastness" @ Home

    In the constellation Draco you can find exoplanets that are particularly bright. They can therefore be easily photometrically analyzed with small apertures. The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet Qatar-10b is described. It was discovered in 2019 and confirmed as such.

  • Der Stern HD189733 und sein Planet HD189733b

    The star HD189733 and its planet HD189733b

    Using the star HD189733 and its exoplanet 189733b, it is shown that even with a relatively small instrument from an urban light-polluted area, interesting meaningful measurements of stellar rotation and planetary transit in front of its parent star can be carried out. In addition, the synopsis of the results of many amateur astronomers worldwide enables further insights.

  • Exoplanet XO-2 N b am 27.02.2022

    Exoplanet XO-2 N b at 27th February 2022

    486 Lichtjahre entfernt im Sternbild Lynx (Luchs) umkreisen einander zwei sonnenähnliche Sterne (gelbe Zwerge). Beide Sterne, XO-2 N und XO-2 S, besitzen insgesamt drei Exoplaneten, die mit der Transitmethode nachgewiesen wurden. Mit Amateurmitteln konnte einer dieser Exoplaneten, XO-2 N b, am 27.2.2022 durch eine Lichtkurve nachgewiesen werden.

  • Heißer Jupiter mit ungekühlter DSLR

    Hot Jupiter with an uncooled DSLR

    The measurement of the light curve of the exoplanet Qatar-1 b with an uncooled DSLR camera is described. The challenge is to achieve a meaningful result despite the high noise.
