Sternstunden on January 19th, 2024 on the Vosslinke at Osnabrück's Piesberg

The Sternstunden of January 19, 2024 are described. 23 visitors gathered on the Vosslinke on Piesberg to look into space. Moon, Jupiter, Orion and Andromeda Nebula, there was a lot to see.

On Friday, January 19, 2024, kosmos-os in cooperation with the Museum Industriekultur at 6:00 p.m. to the Sternstunden invited to the Vosslinke* on Piesberg, Osnabrück's local mountain. The weather cooperated, even though some clouds came and went, the sky remained sufficiently clear. The crescent moon and Jupiter were shining in the sky. It was later joined by the constellation Orion, which rose in the east. 23 interested visitors came. They had followed our urgent recommendation and dressed warmly against the temperatures below zero degrees.

It was cold. That didn't dampen the interest of the visitors.

Our visitors got a great look at the crater landscape of the moon through three different telescopes and received detailed explanations about the craters, the moon in general, the moon's formation and, with the help of a model, the phases of the moon. This was also with Jupiter, high in the sky, with its impressive stripes and four Galilean moons. Just looking at these two objects live gave the guests a very practical idea of the dimensions of space. We not only heard amazement but also appreciative comments.

Looking up without a telescope also had its charm.

In addition to the visual telescopes, there was also another special telescope. It was able to perform long exposures fully automatically, making objects visible on a tablet that would otherwise be impossible to see when observing with just the eye and a telescope. The distances of these objects – such as the Orion Nebula or the Andromeda Galaxy – then took our visitors much further out into space.

This is what the Orion Nebula looked like on the tablet after the special telescope had “looked at it” for 24 minutes.

Towards the end of the Sternstunden, the Orion constellation had also fully risen.

At the end there was praise again for the form of the Sternstunden event, which, in the opinion of the guests, we should definitely continue. See you next time at the Sternstunden on the Vosslinke or on a sidewalk in Osnabrück!

Shortly before the start of the Sternstunden. The telescopes are set up and adjusted.
From left to right: Gerold, Olaf, Achim, Werner, Thomas


* Stars can be seen everywhere in Osnabrück, sometimes very difficult when there is a lot of artificial light and sometimes easier when the city light is far enough away. At Piesberg on Vosslinke, one of the darkest places in the Osnabrück city area, the conditions for stargazing are ideal. We thought... But things turned out differently.

A kind of test track for a roadway for the Elbe Tunnel was set up at short notice on the otherwise dark square, which was illuminated with several green spotlights, perhaps for safety reasons. This was annoying, but it didn't prevent the planned sky experience.
