Tag: Astronomie



    On Saturday, June 9th, 2024, kosmos-os provided information about a new spectacular NASA space mission to Jupiter's moon Europa in October 2024 as part of a lecture at the Innovations Center Osnabrück (ICO). In front of ten interested listeners, Dr. Achim Tegeler reported on the current status of the development of the Europa Clipper Mission. 

  • Messung der Transitlichtkurve des Exoplaneten TOI 3952.01 am 10.01.2024

    Measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01 on January 10, 2024

    The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01, 1929 light years away, is described. It is a recently discovered exoplanet. The own measured data are compared with the few available literature values.

  • Sternstunden am 19.01.2024 auf der Vosslinke am Osnabrücker Piesberg

    Sternstunden on January 19th, 2024 on the Vosslinke at Osnabrück's Piesberg

    The Sternstunden of January 19, 2024 are described. 23 visitors gathered on the Vosslinke on Piesberg to look into space. Moon, Jupiter, Orion and Andromeda Nebula, there was a lot to see.

  • Kalte Füße und klamme Hände bei der Astrofotografie – das war gestern

    Cold feet and clammy hands during astrophotography – that was yesterday

    There are many garden observatories used by amateur astronomers and almost as many different concepts that are followed in their construction and operation. That's why it's always worth visiting such an observatory.

  • Am Polarkreis tanzt das Nordlicht

    The northern light dances in the Arctic Circle

    The report describes what has to be taken into account for successful sightings of the northern lights. In addition, factors that cannot be influenced, such as the weather and the space weather, are also mentioned. Recordings and videos of the northern lights are shown. In addition, numerous sources are listed for more detailed information.

  • Transitlichtkurve des Exoplaneten TOI-1259 A b am 25./26.9.2023

    Transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-1259 A b on September 25th/26th, 2023

    Der Vorbeizug (Transit) des Exoplaneten TOI-1259 A b vor seinem Mutterstern, der eine Komponente eines Doppelsternsystems ist, wird gezeigt. Die aufgenommene Lichtkurve stimmt gut mit den Messungen anderer Autoren überein. Eine genaue Fehlerbetrachtung gibt Hinweise zur weiteren Verbesserung dieser sensiblem Messmethode.

  • Bau einer Taukappe

    Construction of a dew cap

    The construction of a dew cap for a Newton telescope with a 250 mm aperture is described. Simple and therefore inexpensive means are used, essentially an insulating mat and a Velcro strip. The work process is described step by step.

  • WHAT – Westhavelländer Astro Treffen 2023

    WHAT –The "Westhavelländer Astro Treffen" 2023

    Anyone who thinks astronomy takes place outside in the cold night does not know Gülpe in the Westhavelland. Every year, the WHAT – Westhavelländer Astro Treffen takes place there. Gülpe is located in one of the darkest areas of Germany.

  • Sonnenbeobachtung beim „Offenen Gartentor“

    Observation of the sun at the event "Offenes Gartentor"

    On selected dates throughout the year, private gardens in Osnabrück and the surrounding area open their gates to give visitors a glimpse into their private green paradises. Such an "open garden gate" is also a good opportunity to present the most important factor for greenery and bloom – our sun!

  • On The Moon Again 2023

    On The Moon Again 2023

    Seit 2019 erinnern weltweit Astronomen in über 60 Ländern jährlich an die erste Mondlandung im Jahre 1969. Wir sind von Anfang an dabei und unterstützen dieses Projekt. Bei unseren „On The Moon Again“ Events zeigen wir allen Interessierten den Mond und teilen unsere Faszination für Astronomie.
