Tag: Astronomie

  • Die Nova V1405 CAS in der Cassiopeia

    The Nova V1405 CAS in Cassiopeia

    The observation of the Nova V1405 CAS is described. Brightness measurements were carried out over a longer period of time, from April 1st, 2021 to May 15th, 2022. Together with measurements from other international authors, an atypical behavior for a nova was demonstrated.

  • Lichtkurve des Exoplaneten HAT-P-54b

    Light curve of the exoplanet HAT-P-54b

    Thomas Grunge hat in seinem Garten kein Bild, sondern eine Lichtkurve des Exoplaneten HAT-P-54b aufgenommen. Dieser Planet kreist nicht um unsere Sonne, sondern um den Stern HAT-P-54, dessen Licht 443 Jahre bis zu uns unterwegs war. Diesen Planeten kann man nicht mehr direkt sehen, sondern nur nachweisen, wenn er vor dem Stern vorbei zieht und…

  • Der beeindruckende Komet C/2020 F3 Neowise

    The impressive comet C/2020 F3 Neowise

    A bright comet doesn't appear in the sky very often. We may have to wait another decade or more. Comet Neowise was an impressive sight in the sky! Why was a comet in earlier times a sign of coming disaster when it is actually just beautiful?

  • Grünes Meer am Polarkreis    

    Green sea at the Arctic Circle    

    At night all cats are grey. But that doesn't apply near the Arctic Circle, when bright northern lights bathe everything in a green glow. You can see this with your own eyes.
