Tag: Astronomy
Measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-2570 b
The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI-2570 b, which was only discovered in 2022, is described. The brightness of the parent star, which is located in a very dense field of stars, was determined in 148 images in relation to comparison stars. The result agrees very well with the data known so far.
Visit to my observatory
On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, a volunteer from the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ) and a photographer were with me to report on my hobby of astronomy, the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) and the “supermoon”. The article should appear in the online edition of NOZ.
All good things come in threes
The sun has reached its maximum in its eleven-year activity cycle. For the third time this year, northern lights could be observed from Central Europe. A short excursion into the personal experiences of some kosmos-os friends at the Northern Lights on October 10, 2024 is presented.
The Open Observatory in the Open Garden
Im Osnabrücker Land werden in jedem Sommer viele private Gärten für die Allgemeinheit geöffnet. Ihre Besitzer haben sich im „Offenen Gartentor Osnabrück und Umgebung“ zusammengeschlossen. Jeder Interessierte kann so eine Vielzahl von Gartenideen kennenlernen. So auch am Sonntag, 4. August 2024, im Garten in der Moorlandstraße in Osnabrück. Die Besonderheit hier: Es gibt eine Gartensternwarte.
On Saturday, June 9th, 2024, kosmos-os provided information about a new spectacular NASA space mission to Jupiter's moon Europa in October 2024 as part of a lecture at the Innovations Center Osnabrück (ICO). In front of ten interested listeners, Dr. Achim Tegeler reported on the current status of the development of the Europa Clipper Mission.
Measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01 on January 10, 2024
The measurement of the transit light curve of the exoplanet TOI 3952.01, 1929 light years away, is described. It is a recently discovered exoplanet. The own measured data are compared with the few available literature values.
Cold feet and clammy hands during astrophotography – that was yesterday
There are many garden observatories used by amateur astronomers and almost as many different concepts that are followed in their construction and operation. That's why it's always worth visiting such an observatory.
The northern light dances in the Arctic Circle
The report describes what has to be taken into account for successful sightings of the northern lights. In addition, factors that cannot be influenced, such as the weather and the space weather, are also mentioned. Recordings and videos of the northern lights are shown. In addition, numerous sources are listed for more detailed information.
WHAT –The "Westhavelländer Astro Treffen" 2023
Anyone who thinks astronomy takes place outside in the cold night does not know Gülpe in the Westhavelland. Every year, the WHAT – Westhavelländer Astro Treffen takes place there. Gülpe is located in one of the darkest areas of Germany.
Aurora over Iceland
Es wird über eine Reise vom 23. – 31. März 2022 nach Island berichtet. Die Insel liegt fast am Polarkreis und eignet sich deswegen sehr gut für die Beobachtung von Polarlichtern. Es müssen allerdings viele Faktoren günstig sein, damit man Erfolg hat. Das Wetter und damit die Wolkendichte sind wesentliche Faktoren. Es kommt natürlich hinzu,…