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The fascination of astronomy

It's a pleasure to enjoy the fascination of astronomy by looking into the night sky on your own in a silent place. But if you want to deepdive into astronomy or astronomical techniques you really benefit from the cooperation, the knowledge exchange and inspiration within a group of enthusiastic astronomers. This site was created to be a platform to share our observations, questions and ideas with you and thereby broaden our "astronimical horizon"

Amateur astronomers from the Osnabrück region have compiled the results of their exciting activities on these pages. They show what is possible in the astronomical field, despite bad weather and light pollution. is not static, but is constantly being supplemented and updated.
Feedback and contacts from our readers are very welcome – we are looking forward to an expansion of an active astro network!

Especially in current times, astronomy has become a very lively, rapidly evolving discipline in which, thanks to technical progress, even amateurs can deal with questions that only a few years ago were reserved exclusively for professional astronomers.

Next events

12.08.2024 10:00 p.m.


We marvel with you at the Perseids Our Stern(schnuppen)stunden!

We'll meet in Lechtingen.

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