DIY projects

Astronomy is a broad field in which technology always plays a role This technology enables us to perform certain tasks. For example, the light-gathering capacity of telescopes is of enormous importance in order to make faint objects visible at all, and a well-adjusted mount is extremely important to compensate for the apparent movement of the sky caused by the Earth's rotation.

Many of these technical devices are highly complex and can only be produced in state-of-the-art manufacturing processes (e.g. glass lenses, CCD and CMOS chips, etc.), others can be built or optimized by yourself. This is where our construction projects are presented – we hope to give one or another suggestion and are happy if there are "copyists"!

  • And yet it moves...
    Anyone who has ever had to transport a 12" Dobsonian Goto telescope including rocker box and various additional parts such as power supply, finder telescope etc. knows that you don't necessarily want to carry the weight many meters even with two people. So, a trolley is needed...
  • Cold feet and clammy hands during astrophotography – that was yesterday
    There are many garden observatories used by amateur astronomers and almost as many different concepts that are followed in their construction and operation. That's why it's always worth visiting such an observatory.
  • "Pan Tau" – or the unobstructed view of space
    Dew is always a problem in astronomical observations. Here is a description of how to build a secondary mirror heater for Newtonian telescopes so that the dew no longer has a chance.
  • Construction of a dew cap
    The construction of a dew cap for a Newton telescope with a 250 mm aperture is described. Simple and therefore inexpensive means are used, essentially an insulating mat and a Velcro strip. The work process is described step by step.
  • Building a parallelogram mount for astronomical binoculars
    Being able to see astronomical objects with both eyes is a dream of many astronomers. That works ideally with a parallelogram mount for astronomical binolculars - and that's exactly what is built here!
  • The way to a telescope column in the garden
    It's always nice when you can initiate something. This was also the case on July 30th, 2022, when my astronomical colleagues and I inaugurated my new telescope column together. In the best weather and 3c (coffee, cake, cold drinks) the "ceremonial act" took place. Before that, of course, lays the history of the column, a slightly longer story …
